Saturday, February 16, 2008


Last year when Dr Pravin Goswami had created the platform for the discussions on R.H. methods in Orcut , I couldn't have a thought that it's such a useful tool for the homeopaths. Later on this community was joined by Drs. Sashikant, Jayshri , Omprakash & few other RH followers. What inspired me from RH method is the direct intake of patient's mental symptoms . Our masters told us to give more focus on mind but what we have seen in daily practice that 90% of the prescriptions are based on physical symptoms alone.

According to Dr. Sehgal, a patient knowingly or unknowingly can speak anything related to his problem. He could start telling what is uppermost in his mind. Like, he may talk about his pain, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, or about his problems in business or domestic life. He may also express it in a plain way. It is important for us to observe what, how, why, and when he says.

Discovery of Revolutionized Homeopathy:

Dr Sehgal

Dr. M. L. Sehgal had a passion for doing things with perfection. He took up homoeopathy as a hobby. It later came to become his passion. Initially he was attracted to Homoeopathy when he saw a homoeopath achieve good results in some difficult cases.

Incidentally, while treating a case of intermittent fever of a boy aged 10 years (the fever would come on alternate days), Dr. Sehgal observed that the child liked to remain in bed, did not complain about anything and when asked how is he, the boy used to reply that he is well. Dr. Sehgal used to read and apply some rubrics from the mind section of Kent's repertory. But he had no clue about how to use these common, usual symptoms like – desire to remain in bed, not complaining, saying he was well even when sick. He prescribed Hell, Opium, and Stramonium, the remedies for painlessness of complaint but no medicine worked on him. Then he had a fresh look at the case and took up the following rubrics:

INDIFFERENCE, complain does not

WELL, says he is when very sick

BED, desire, to remain in

Hyoscyamus became the indicated remedy, which was administered in 30th potency. The drug gave astonishing results. The boy recovered within a week after 2-3 mild attacks. He passed loose stool at the end of the final attack. The occurrence of the fever stopped thereafter.

That was a turning point in Dr. Sehgal's practice. Encouraged by the above result he started observing such symptoms which seemed common, ordinary and usual symptoms representing the mental state of the patient during the sickness. He also began to understand, interpret and apply mind rubrics with more precision.

These are the PRESENT, PREDOMINATING, and PERSISTING mental states we usually come across in patients.In R.H.   every word of the patient is to be weighed, evaluated and interpreted in the language of rubrics and then out of them the present, predominating, and persisting are to be sorted out to make a basis for prescription.

Therefore, instead of explaining the meaning of the rubrics Dr. Sehgal preferred to convert the expressions of the patients into the rubrics as they appear in Kent's repertory.

Example 1:

Take the Case of a house maid. She was separated from her husband and had two children totally dependent upon her. Frequent attacks of malaria made her depressed. She had high fever and she was worried that she couldn't afford to fall sick frequently as no body will pay her for the period of her absence from work. She wept at her helplessness.

WEEPING, sad thoughts


It led to the medicine Stram 30 which was prescribed. The lady was out of the grip of fever within a few days.

Example 2:

A girl of 19 used to have attacks of urticaria with high fever. She was hospitalized twice for the severity of the attacks with grave prognosis. The doctors feared that attacks of severe intensity at short intervals could endanger her life. She said she expected the attacks any time and did not like to attend college because of unwarranted remarks from her classmates. She also said that she was averse to any kind of work except sweeping the floor. She revealed that she reserved this job for herself for the fear of infection and as she could not rely upon others to do it as well. She had a wish that she should also move around in the company of her friends and to have a fun with them. It was not possible for her due to the problem.

FEAR, infection of

AMUSEMENT, desires for

Lach 30 was prescribed to her. This time the attack came with lesser intensity and for smaller duration and then it never came again.

According to Dr. Sehgal, a patient knowingly or unknowingly can speak anything related to his problem. He could start telling what is uppermost in his mind. Like, he may talk about his pain, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, or about his problems in business or domestic life. He may also express it in a plain way. It is important for us to observe what, how, why, and when he says.

Let us take an example.

We often come across this common question from patients, "How long will the treatment last or how long I have to be in your treatment for cure or how much time you feel is needed for cure of my problem?"

This might be very tricky question to be answered by a homoeopath as he is not treating a disease by name (Say typhoid which has nearly a fixed number of days of treatment in allopathy). The patient comes in Homoeopathy with the feeling that homoeopathy is an eradicative therapy and can cure them completely but still worry about the time it will take. Let us understand the patient's concern behind asking a physician about the duration of the treatment.

Before that let me remind you that the first thing we have to keep in our mind is whatever common remark your patient is giving to you is coming from a layman who has no knowledge about medicine. Secondly, when a patient asks a physician about the duration of his treatment there must be some kind of doubt / confusion / fear / anxiety etc in his / her mind.

Therefore, instead of getting annoyed with this question, we should try to understand his concern behind asking a particular question relating to his problems.

How long the patient have to take the treatment – might not be an important question for a physician but it could be very important for the patient. There must be some sort of doubt / fear / anxiety bothering his mind more than the pain, difficulties, desires, aversions caused by his problem. On asking about his concern for the duration of treatment we can get some of the common expressions usually given by the patients such as:

1. With great annoyance in his voice a patient says, "Already so much time has been wasted. I have tried allopathic, homoeopathic even ayurvedic treatments but from nowhere do I have any relief. I doubt if you would be able to do anything either " - DOUBTFUL, of recovery

2. Patient says, "I have already spent so much time and money on the treatment. I am worried how much more I will have to spend on it. - FEAR, extravagance of

3. Patient says, "I am concerned about it because if it doesn't get cured sooner it might lead to some bigger problem in the future." - ANXIETY, future about

4. Patient says, "If I knew when I would get better then I could organize things in my life and plan accordingly for the future. - LIGHT, desires for

5. Patient says, "I always have a fear in my mind that things may go out of hand in case they are not treated properly and timely. Soon it will be too late and no option will be left for me." - FEAR, betrayed of being

6. The same question could be asked by a patient after he has received the treatment for sometime without any refractory result. He says something like, "It's been many days; I feel it should end now, it's become boring." - ENNUI

7. He adds, "I want to discontinue your treatment at once." He sounds like he has had enough of it and is now averse to any more treatment. - DISGUST

Similarly, in another situation a patient asks the doctor, "I am not getting any relief. Should I go for an X- ray, ultrasound or blood test? I may have some serious problem like cancer." LIGHT desire for

Then there will be patients who, just before the case taking, make an inquiry like, "Does Homoeopathic medicine aggravates the disease?" I have heard that Homoeopathic medicine aggravates a disease first. It may be good but I am scared of it, so please don't give me medicines that cause aggravation.FEAR of suffering

There are patients who require a guarantee, which is not possible for a physician to give and then that makes them hesitant towards Homoeopathic treatment. FEAR of being betrayed


Hompath has recently released their latest CD in their CURE series - CURE 5 - on Dr. Sehgal’s School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy. priced at Rs 49 it's extremely useful to get acquaintance with RH methods. To view the pps presentation , click HERE


Unknown said...

What does this mean?
LIGHT, desire for

I am enjoying these teachings.

Dr Prabhat Tandon said...

In synthesis repertory rubric “ Light desire for “ covers 29 remedies . MIND - LIGHT - desire for
: Acon. Am-m. asar. bamb-a. BELL. bism. Calc. cann-i. cann-s. carb-an. cimic. GELS. grin. haliae-lc. ignis-alc. irid-met. kali-br. Kola lac-c. nat-m. phasco-ci. phos. plb. rad-br. ruta sanic. STRAM. Stront-c. valer. According to Dr Sehgal broader implications of this rubric can be many like :
Inference : Something which is not heavy in weight , is easy to lift & digest , i.e; to desire for something light which does not burden the body , the stomach & mind.

Version : “ I like light work or I like something soft to eat or talk something light which lightens the already burdened mind . “
Inference : Something which should have cooling effect.
Version : A person is agitated , wants something which should cool him down.
Inference : Light which neutralizes the effects of darkness & brings the things to visibility or the facts to surface .
Version :
“ Dr what is it that I am suffering from ? “
Why are you asking this question? “
“It is just by the way. “ ( I am more concerned with cure , than to know the cause of the disease . )
“ What is the harm in knowing a thing ? “
Inference : wants positive results .
Version : as it was asked of a patient why he was curious to know whether his disease is curable or not . He replied , “ simply because I want to be alright . “
As another patient says , “ one must have some knowledge about one’s disease . “
Inference : wants some hope to be given .
Version : “ I am asking as the other school rules out cure . I simply want to know the possibility of cure . “
Dr , if you simply say I will be alright , I shall be satisfied & continue the treatment . “
Inference : wants only to see the bright side of the things & does not like to entertain anty adverse ideas .
Version : “ Dr are you sur I shall be cured . “
“ Have you cured cases of my kind . “
“I do not want to die . I want to live . Will you be able to help me . “
“ I do not believe in a Dr who says I can’t be cured . “

Inference : searching for light or is in search of light ( habit of knowing about everything in general . )
Version : “ I would like to know in what type of research , you are engaged in to keep it in record with m . So that I may pass it to the needy . “
Inference : only wants to know the cause of disease .
Version : “ Dr , why this sort of ailment occurs ? takes a pause & states if I come to know of it . I shall try to prevent it by taking precautions . “