Thursday, March 20, 2008



This book is a distillation of Donald Foubister's long experience in homoeopathy. Donald Foubister joined the staff of The Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital in 1937, not long after qualifying, and worked under Sir John Weir, Dr Douglas Borland, Dr Margaret Tyler and Dr Marjorie Blackie. After the war he rejoined the hospital staff and was appointed consultant homoeopathic paediatrician in 1956. At this time, as well as paediatric and general medicine, surgery was also performed in the hospital. Donald Foubister had therefore a wonderfully wide experience in the use of homoeopathy in all these disciplines and this has come through in his book.

The book is based on a series of tutorials and is divided into five main sections. The first section is on general principles and there is a particularly clear chapter discussing the question of 'constitutional types'. The second section covers paediatric prescribing, drawing on his long experience in the children's wards at the hospital. Inevitably, some of the conditions Donald Foubister commonly saw then are less common in the UK today, e.g. pneumonia, osteomyelitis and rickets, but these therapeutic hints may be particularly valuable for other parts of the world. He used antibiotics in conjunction with homoeopathy when required and found no problem with their combined use, as each therapeutic agent worked in a different manner.

The third section is on Carcinosin, which Donald Foubister was responsible for developing and led to his world-wide acclaim. This section also includes suggested additions to certain rubrics in Kent's Repertory, particularly in regard to Carcinosin. The fourth section is an interesting discussion on less well known medicines, which Donald Foubister found by experience to be very worthwhile, e.g. Alumina in allergies, Helleborus in head injury and Osteoarthritic Nosode, which he prepared from the synovial fluid of an OA knee. It also includes a chapter on the use of nosodes from acute illness-the 'never well since' problem.

The final section covers the treatment of certain conditions in which Donald Foubister took a particular interest, such as the after-effects of general anaesthesia and head injury, the post glandular fever syndrome and scar tissue. The book ends with an appendix on therapeutic hints which summarizes some of the remedies he found useful.

Some of his therapeutic hints are :

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 30 - 200 or ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30 or 200 are almost specific remedies for impetigo.

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM 200 is of value to students who "cannot think" during an examination. A dose in the morning and then, if required, before each part of the examination.

 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS 200 and PULSATILLA 200 are the two most often indicated remedies for chilblains, covering about two - thirds of cases. Agaricus is worse for cold and has symptoms resembling frost - bite. Pulsatilla is worse in the evening and from exposure to heat.

ALUMINA 6, 12, 30, 200, 1M. When repertorizing any chronic case careful note should be made of Alumina symptoms. Alumina is rarely the constitutional remedy, but if there are some characteristic symptoms present or, in the case of a patient suffering from any allergic condition, including eczema and migraine, or from any disease of the alimentary tract, it is advisable for the patient to avoid eating food prepared in aluminium cooking utensils, or drinks from water heated in an aluminum kettle. It is essential to see that this is carried out completely. "Tinfoil" used for cooking also contains aluminium, and electric radiators with an aluminium reflector may cause symptoms in sensitive patients. On the whole it is preferable to use ground coffee beans for making coffee. Many processed foods are prepared in aluminium. It has been suggested that it is impossible to avoid aluminium today. That is so, but the majority of sensitive patients are better off when they avoid it so far as possible and take a dose of Alumina when symptoms arise. A prescription of the constitutional remedy followed by Alumina given ten to fourteen days later works very well.

 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 30 - 200 or ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30 or 200 are almost specific remedies for impetigo.

 ANTHRACINUM 30 or 200. For boils or carbuncles with much induration Anthracinum is practically certain to help, without any other indications.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200 can be used in the same way for "examination funk". This is a well - tested remedy in this respect. It can be combined with Aethusa cynapium.

ARNICA MONTANA 30 or 200. This is well - known to be the main remedy for surgical shock. The following scheme is a useful guide to pre - and post - operative homoeopathic treatment, combined if necessary with analgesics and suitably altered individually when required.

AURUM METALLICUM 200 - 10M. is a "pathological" remedy for undescended testicle, providing the testicle is not ectopic.

BACILLINUM and other Tuberculinums are very closely allied to Sulphur in their symptomatology.

BARYTA CARB. or BARYTA MURIATICA are remedies to be considered carefully in old age and when there is arteriosclerosis, but one or other is almost certain to help if a patient looks many years older than his actual age. 

CALENDULA OFFICINALIS is well known for its beneficial effects as an ointment. It is an even much more remarkable healing agent given internally in potency 30 or 200 for large wounds, or wounds slow to heal.

CARBO VEGETABILIS 3x or 6, 30, 200 is a useful remedy for flatulence in infancy or post - operatively. The indication is relief from eructations. A number of remedies have this, but Carbo veg. is worth trying when it is definite and the only one. The other two remedies often, required in these conditions are Lycopodium when there is much flatus and Raphanus when there is "incarcerated flatus"; the patient is distressed by wind but cannot pass if upwards or downwards. Other remedies, such as Pulsatilla and China, etc., may be required sometimes. In respect of flatulence in infancy it is obviously necessary to see that any feeding mismanagement is corrected, and these remedies will not be required after this has been achieved in the majority of cases. Aethusa Cynapium is very rarely indicated if correct infant feeding has been established.

CAULOPHYLLUM 6 or 30 given one dose daily for 3 weeks before childbirth has a reputation for making labour quick and easy.

CAUSTICUM 200 is the chief remedy for loss of voice from whatever cause. If positive indications for another remedy are absent, it is worth a trial. Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation. Rhus tox. may be required when the bladder muscles have been "sprained" from distention. After sympathectomy Hypericum 200 is most likely to be effective. For children who stop growing after a burn, Causticum may be an invaluable remedy.

CHAMOMILLA 6, half an ounce of tablets, is a useful prescription for teething children. A tablet is given every half hour up to six doses in any one day, if the child is peevish, irritable, asks for something then throws it away, and is only really at peace when being carried about. It will be effective only if the mental state indicates it.

CHELIDONIUM 1x, 3x, 6, 30, is almost a specific remedy when there is pain under the right scapula.

CHININUM ARSENICOSUM 30 is almost a specific remedy for children who get diarrhoea from eggs.

CHLOROFORM 30, 200 or 1 M. When there is a history of severe reaction to chloroform anaesthesia, such as excessive vomiting, and there is liver or gall bladder disease, this may be an invaluable remedy. Children born under chloroform anaesthesia who are liverish may also benefit greatly. It should be considered after Caesarian section. In taking a case history it is worthwhile to enquire into any undue effects of anaesthesia. While it is difficult or impossible at present to determine the antidote to modern anaesthesia in which several drugs are employed, older patients may give a clear - cut history of severe reaction to chloroform, ether or nitrous oxide. The appropriate anesthetic in potency may help greatly in constitutional prescribing.

CHOLESTERINUM 30, 200 has a beneficial effect on many patients suffering from coronary insufficiency, and may be justified as a prescription when other remedies fail, or there are no clear cut indications for another remedy. 

COCCUS CACTI 3x - 30, 200 is almost a specific remedy for the later stages of whooping cough or at any stage when there is a paroxysmal cough accompanied by vomiting of thick glairy mucous (like white of egg). It is likely to be useful for any patient with this symptomatology, whatever the cause. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA 6, 30, 200. When a patient suffers from alimentary disorder and obtains relief from bending backwards, this is the first remedy to be considered.

COCCULUS 30 is the most often indicated remedy for car sickness. A dose should be given before the journey, then as needed. If it is the correct remedy there will be no doubt about it after the first journey. 

DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA 30 or 200 is an almost specific remedy for whooping cough. It can be repeated without harm. As a rule it is probably best given as a single dose and then the effects assessed weekly. Two commonly indicated remedies to follow are Coccus cacti or Kali carb. Indications for the latter are oedema of upper eyelids and an aggravation about 3 a. m. Sometimes too the Kali carb. extreme sensitivity to sudden noises may be a useful confirmatory symptom.

EUPHRASIA 30. When there is marked chemosis associated with conjunctivitis, this points to Euphrasia

FERRUM METALLICUM 30. For vomiting after tonsillectomy. A dose of Ferrum metallicum 30 given after each vomit usually causes rapid improvement.

FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 2x & CALC. PHOS. 3x combined trituration tablets have valuable hematinic properties and do not harm the most sensitive stomach. This prescription can be given in infancy. A useful routine prescription after influenza is Influenza Bacillinum 200, one dose followed by Ferrum phos., Calc. phos. tablets t. i. d., p. c. for a month along with Crataegus (phi) 5 drops ex aqua t. i. d., p. c. for a month.

GELSEMIUM 3x, 30, 200. The mental state which should make one think of Gelsemium is "feeling miserable". This, combined with heavy eyes and hot and cold feelings in the back, make the ideal indications for Gelsemium in influenza.

GRAPHITES 200 is almost specific for granulation tissue following burns.

HELLEBORUS 200, 1M, 10M. is a "pathological" remedy for the after effects of head injury. It is useful when individual indications are difficult to obtain.

HEPAR SULPH. 3x, 20, 200 is almost a specific remedy for any inflammatory conditions such as boils extremely sensitive to touch and relieved by warmth. Mentals and generals of Hepar sulph. may or may not be present, but if the patient is in addition irritable and chilly, the prescription can be made with even greater confidence. Sometimes extreme sensitivity to touch is the only definite symptom and Hepar sulph. rarely fails them.

HYPERICUM 6, 30, 200. This remedy is well known for its effects on "injured nerves" such as in painful abrasions, crushed fingers, and for the after effects of spinal injury.
HYPERICUM OIL is an invaluable remedy for bed sores. Hypericum 6, 12 or 30 internally with hypericum oil has an even more satisfactory effect.

IGNATIA 200, 20M. is invaluable to ease the suffering of grief from bereavement. It can be repeated frequently.

KALI BICHROMICUM 200 and PULSATILLA 200 are the two chief remedies for nasal catarrh continuing after a cold. Kali bic. has heaviness of the forehead and a stringy discharge. Pulsatilla has a non - stringy bland discharge.

KALI BROMATUM 200 may cure acne when apparently indicated remedies fail.

LACHESIS 30, 200 1M., 10M. should be carefully considered in any post - menopausal disorders.

LYCOPODIUM 200. When this remedy is suggested from the symptomatology it is useful to enquire about the kind of anticipation experienced by the Lycopodium patient. If he speaks in public, even though accustomed to doing so, he is typically afraid beforehand, but after commencing to speak, his fears vanish. Lycopodium is a "pathological" remedy in unresolved pneumonia.

MANCINELLA 200. "Fear of insanity" - probably the main remedy.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30, 200, or 10M. This remedy should be considered when "psychic causes of disease" is a prominent feature of the case. An experienced doctor advocated Nat. mur. for asthma unless there were positive indications for something else. It seems also to be one of the remedies to be considered for patients unduly sensitive to drugs. A short sketch of Nat. mur. is as follows: -
< heat or cold
< stuffy places: > open air.
< 10 a. m.
Craving for salt.
Easy lachrymation in open air.

OPIUM CM When there is a history of fright and the patient experiences fear when the incident is recalled long after.

PHOSPHORUS 200 10M. is a valuable remedy for pre - operative anticipation, including dental operations.

 PILOCARPUS 30 is a useful remedy for mumps, t. i. d. 3 days. b. d. 3 days, nocte 3 days. 

PYROGENIUM 6, 30, 200, 10m. Apart from the symptomatic indications, Pyrogen may be prescribed pathologically when there is a septic focus and toxaemia, bacteraemia or maybe even septicaemia, when there is either a swinging temperature, or a tachycardia out of proportion to the temperature.

SULPHURIC ACID 200. When bruising persists for an unduly long time, whether Arnica has been given or not, Sulphuric acid is almost always the remedy.

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